AKIL in Graduation.

AKIL in Graduation.

House Party.

House Party.

Scientists in Red.

Scientists in Red.

Retreat in Sapanca.

Retreat in Sapanca.

New Labb Party.

New Lab Party.

Nice visit of previous lab member Mustafa Yalçınkaya.

Nice visit of previous lab member Mustafa Yalçınkaya.

Interwiew of Prof. Nesrin Özören about Naim Süleymanoğlu in Hürriyet Newspaper.

Interwiew of Prof. Nesrin Özören about Naim Süleymanoğlu in Hürriyet Newspaper.


Interwiew of Prof. Nesrin Özören published in Hürriyet Newspaper

Interview of Prof. Nesrin Özören published in Hürriyet Newspaper

Interwiew of Prof. Nesrin Özören on KRT Television Programme

Interwiew of Prof. Nesrin Özören on KRT Television Programme

AKİL Lab - 2018

AKİL Lab – 2018

Bosphorus Tour - "10th year at helm of the ship."

Bosphorus Tour – “10th year at helm of the ship.”

Bosphorus Tour

Bosphorus Tour

Happy Birthday to Prof. Nesrin Özören :)

Happy Birthday to Prof. Nesrin Özören 🙂

Teacher's Day, 24.11.2016

Teacher’s Day, 24.11.2016



Lab Dinner at Rumelihisarı, İstanbul, 30.09.2016


Celebration of Professorship

Celebration of Professorship, 2015










with Aziz Sancar

visiting of Aziz Sancar to our department